Thursday, December 26, 2019

Development And Unity Through Yin-Yang Relationship of Man And Woman

Image result for gender inequalityLaw of the Jungle – a law that is unwritten yet we subconsciously follow. For example, when we encounter someone who is inferior to us, the arrogance within us shows up. Some might even bully that person. But when we meet someone who is on the same level as ourselves, there is something that pushes us to befriend that person or compete with that person to see who is better. And in the eyes of those ancient people, the female is inferior to the male. Since time immemorial, women suffered from the effect of gender inequality. They were abused and hurt by men simply just because they are female. Those people believe that men are better than women since they can accomplish some works that cannot do by women like building houses, lifting heavy objects and farming. They also thought that women should just stay at home, take care of their children and can only use to increase the population of the community.

But everything can change in an instant since nothing is eternal. During the late 19th century, a spark had appeared when women fought against gender inequality, which sought to allow women to vote and hold elected office. And this battle against gender inequality still continues up to the present days considering that women still subjected to violence and inequality. We all noticed that women are primarily victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, so we can conclude that equality still not achieve. Only when this violence ceases to exist, we can accomplish our desired equality.

Gender equality does not only beneficial for women, but we can also benefit from it. By achieving gender equality, we are getting closer to our greatest desire which is peace. This is only one of the primarily effect of it, by obtaining this equality, we can further develop the economy of our country. It might also elevate the status of those needy people seeing that the female members of the family can now work. 

In order for us to achieve this equality, we must hold each other's hands and break the barrier that prevents us from achieving what we desire. We must also crumble our mindset about women as weak, inferior beings. Women are strong and they can stand at the same level as men. 

Image result for gender equalityOnly those who against this parity are weak. They do not want to lose their sense of supremacy over women. They are afraid that they can no longer control those people who’re they thought are inferior to them. They might forget that in the eyes of God, all of us are equal. Since all of us are equal in His eyes, what right do they have to deem women as inferior to men? Do they think that they are more powerful than Him?

Gender Equality Policy Guidelines
Walking towards success requires both men and women to support each other. Men cannot walk towards that destination if they do not have the strength and support from women, likewise for women. Within the strength of a man, there is the fragility and within the fragility of a woman, there is the strength. It shows that both genders complement each other just like Yin-Yang. One cannot survive without each other and must have the same level of standing as the other to forge a perfect path towards development and unity.


Monday, December 2, 2019

Environmental Awareness

Our Planet, Earth, is rapidly walking towards its destruction due to our negligence. The environment is rapidly changing, not changing for better but for worse. And all of these changes are caused by us. The forest that has a lot of trees before, it is now bald. The river that was clear is now dirty and full of plastics and wastes. Supposedly, our role is being the protector of nature but what we are doing is to destroy it.

Nowadays, the effect of Climate change on us is very alarming. Temperature is soaring at a high speed, which affects the yield of the crops and also causes some health problems, like heatstroke and dehydration. The melting of glaciers can cause small islands to sink. These effects are very threatening.

One of the major issues that we are currently facing is air pollution. Using a car can lead to air pollution. Not only cause by using a car but also burning fossil fuel that is used in making electricity and fuels. But even though we are already experiencing it, we can reduce the effect of it by using a bicycle or walk if the distance that we want to travel is short. Avoid burning leaves and other rubbish like plastics since it will release carbon dioxide and other elements into the atmosphere which can increase air pollution.

Environmental Awareness Month educates us on what really is happening in our world. It continuously reminds us that the world is hastily deteriorating. This, we must love and cherish what God has given to us, nature. We are the protector, not the destroyer of it. So we must play our role correctly. We must protect, improve, sustain, and pass the Earth to our future children perfectly.

Children: The Future of the Society

In the eyes of the community, children are just children. It means that children should follow what other people want them to do. Everything that they do must be according to their parent’s plan. They thought that children are just a robot which you can order around. But they have emotion and brain too. They should not just order them around and pressure them to do something.

Children's Month Celebration teaches us that children have a right. They must be seen as an individual part of the community, not just a puppet. The goals of this celebration is that Children must have a better quality and improved way of life. They should be well-nourished, have healthy lives and are active learners with good quality education. They must be safe and free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation and actively participating in decision-making processes affecting their lives according to their evolving capacities.

We must not dictate the children. Older people are just a guide for children. Because if they are forced to do something that they don’t want, there is a possibility that they will not excel, and might become a burden in the society. Let them choose what they want and guide them to become what they wanted. Please take note the line, “Kabataan and pag-asa ng bayan.” Children are the future of society. They will continue what past people not completed and they further improve it. So, guide them to become good and highly capable of doing something useful so that will become a pillar of the society.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Enhancing The Core Values Through Strong Family Relationship

We all know that family is the smallest or basic unit of society. But everything starts here. We all learned the fundamentals within the family, not in the school nor somewhere else. This is the place where we learned the existence of God and how to become faithful to Him. Being an environmentalist, patriotic, and humane is some other things that our family taught us.

This year’s Values Month Celebration's theme, “Pamilyang Pilipino Patatagin: Susi sa Paghubog ng Kabataang Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa” encourage us to strengthen the bond that we have with our family. Not only we can strengthen the bond that shred among the family, but by enhancing the thickness of our bond, the values that we learned will further be enhanced.

The family may be the basic unit of society but it is the most important among the other type of society. Thus, we must prevent it from getting destroy and must boost the relationship that we have with our family.

Language: Skeleton Of The World

Every improvement starts with the language. We all know one of the Bible's stories, Tower of Babel, where Noah's descendants tried to build a giant tower that would reach to heaven. But God interrupted the project, however, by causing the builders to begin speaking different languages. From this, we can tell that the language shared by one community is very crucial for developing.

But nowadays, a lot of native languages around the world are slowly vanishing. And this alarms the attention of UNESCO. This is why this year’s theme, “Indigenous Language Matter For Sustainable Development, Peace Building, and Reconciliation.” is launched.

This year’s theme is very important since it tries to polish our mastery over our own language. Please take note that language is not only needed for communication, it is also part of our culture. The language that we are using to speak right now is what we inherited from our ancestors. And what our ancestors want for us to do is to also pass this language to our future children, our successors.

Through the use of literature, Dr. Jose Rizal fought with the Spaniards. And this time, we can use this language that we are using to make friends with lots of people, making peace with our past enemy, and for developing our community. We can also use the language to connects to other people just like how our skeleton connects our body. Everything is possible through the use of language. Just don't lose it or else you will regret.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Second Grading is almost up. This week is stressful since we need to pass all of our requirements in very subject. Even though it's hard, we still passed that obstacles.

During this quarter, there are some things that I've learned. Aside from the lessons that we tackle in every subjects, I've learned that cooperation is needed, especially when doing group projects. Because during our making of thematic project, everyone have given a role to fulfill, and that makes our making of thematic project easier. Also, during this quarter, I noticed that time management is our problem. This week is the passing of requirements time. And we are rushing thing up.

Teacher: The Architect of the World

Being a teacher is not all about imparting knowledge to their students, but also guide them to their own success. What they are doing is not easy. They woke up early in the morning. Come to school to teach the students. Go home at sunset. After going home, they might not necessarily spend their time on their family or rest, sometimes they still continue their work at home.

Being the architect of the world is not easy. They did not just share knowledge but also to improve values in life. They discipline us and teach us how to respect other people. They sacrifice a lot for us students, especially their time and effort.

They did not just only play the role of the teacher, but also a parent, a friend, a guide, an instructor and a builder. Playing one role is already hard, what's more, if it's not just one role but more? In every students' success, it is worth noting the teacher's important role in success. All they want is to see their students become successful. And as a student, it warms my heart. Thank you, teachers, for everything.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Physical activities is very beneficial for our body. It is very important for us. We can avoid feeling fatigue, even though we work all day and still have sufficient energy to use, if we are physically healthy. And being physically healthy is important for every student, since it is needed to prevent from catching diseases.

Sports can refrain us from using drugs, cigarettes and other vices. It also teaches us the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, which can result to a better community. Recently, ISNHS conducted their Intramurals on September 12-14, 2019. The sports activities have competed from Grade 7-12.

The sports that are played by the athletes are volleyball, basketball, badminton, chess, and others. Intramural activities emphasize group spirit and the enjoyment of sports in a less competitive context. And those sports improve the discipline of the students.

But not only the athletes that are involved in these intramurals but also non-athletes and teachers. The fun bike was open for every biker in the school and was done in the early morning of Saturday. And after that, Zumba come.

During 12 and 13, every clubs in the school open some booths like Chem Lock, Marriage Booth, Message Booth, and others. And during this event, the excitement and joy of the students could be seen at their faces.


Science Month Celebration

In the modern era, science is essential to everyone. What we are using today such as our gadgets and televisions are the application of science. It makes our lives more comfortable and easy.

The aims of science is to know and understand the truth. All of us want to know the truth. Hence, people encourage the student to improve their science knowledge.

At school, during the month of September, we are celebrating the Science Month. And at this month, there is a lot of activities that the clubs, Science and Yes-O, did prepare.

Sci quiz is one of the activity that they prepare. This activity test our knowledge in science. The Exhibit that the science teachers made displays the different field of science, such as, biology, physics, earth science and chemistry. The Sci-trix which the students perform also shows many concepts in science.

And the most exciting activity that they prepared is the search for Ginoo at Binibining Kalikasan. This contest is not all about beauty and fame but also the brain and their guts to be an advocator of an environmental friendly school.


Positive Environment

If we ask some students on what they thought about school, they might say it is hell, the place of suffering and pressure, or where the bullying happens. You might notice that the thoughts of the students about school is negative. In fact, it is true. In school, we have a lot of requirements to be submitted, resulting for us to accumulate pressure and having a low grades. 

The DepEd also notice this problem, thus, the DepEd Region I adapted a new strategy. They implemented the Happy School Movement to make the learning process more fun and less stressful. The regional launch of HSM is held at the Vigan Convention Center in this city on May 20, 2019.

It aims to make a happy, enjoyable and positive school environment. By sharing the fun about going to school, it is possible to reduce the cases of suicide and bullying, which is presently alarming. 

Happy and positive environment is very beneficial for every student. It can help them on their study. The students will learn more in the academic field as it incorporates new teaching techniques, interactive activities, and learn effectively. It is useful to provide positive attitudes for students and to help them reduce their stresses. Therefore, it will tells that schools are not just for learning, rather, as a place where anyone can enjoy and be happy through learning.



Vigan City is the only heritage city that is located in the Philippines. The beauty of this heritage city was witnessed by a lot of people when it was proclaimed by the UNESCO as a 7 Wonder Cities of the World. This city is unique since it represents a unique fusion of Asian building design and construction with European colonial architecture and planning. It is also an exceptionally intact and well-preserved example of a European trading town in East and Southeast Asia.

Here in Vigan, we celebrates the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day on the 8th of September annually. This week-long festivities aim to strengthen the pride of Bigueño history and to make the present generation feel proud to our cultures and traditions. 

During the celebration, there are a lot of activities, such as singing competition, photography, zarzuela Ilocana, dallot, kinnantaran, cultural quiz, sabayang pagbigkas, daniw, storytelling, writing on the history of Vigan as told by senior residents, painting, and folk dancing. This activities shows the culture and traditions of our ancestors in their generation. It also aims to promote our culture and to unite the Ilokano people. Since, just like what they said, unity is the key to make our community better and healthy. 



Language is important to every nation. In fact, it is the soul of the nation. It is use to bridge the gap between one person to another, since it is needed in order for us to understand one another.

Every year, we are celebrating the Buwan ng Wika in the Philippines on the month of August. On this particular month, we are promoting the national language of our country, and that is Filipino. But this year is an exemption. This year's Buwan ng Wika Celebration's theme "Buwan ng Wika: Wikang Katutubo Para Sa Bansang Filipino" target to enrich and promote our 182 Indigenous language, such as Tagalog, Iloko, Bikolano, Cebuano and Waray-waray. It is also to remind us that having a different language is not a hindrance to achieve unity and peace within the country.

All of us speaks with our mother tongue. But not everyone of us knows the meaning of every deeper words of our mother tongue. Every day, might encounter some words that are not familiar to us and learn it. And this is the aim of this year's celebration — to strengthen our mastery over our own language and try to revive the almost lost Indigenous languages in our country.

Because of the advanced technology, for example, Internet, we can now easily learn the culture of other country including their languages. Some people are enthusiastic to learn their language and neglecting their mother tongue. Learning the languages of other country is not bad. But neglecting our own language is not okay.

Take note that language is an inheritance that is given for us by our ancestors. It is not only words that have meaning. But it's also contains our traditions and culture. It passes many generations and survive. Even though we master the language of other countries, if we forgot our mother tongue, in my opinion, it is not worth it. It is akin to losing our inheritance for money. We must love and treasure our own language to avoid that from happening.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Quarterly Reflection

After my contemplation about on what happened to me in this quarter, I realized that I've gain a lot of knowledge in the subject ICT. Before, my impression about the internet is not deep. But because I do now know the history of it, I started to appreciate it. I also felt thankful to those people who invented and developed the internet. Because if not for those people, who dedicated their time and effort to improve it, we cannot enjoy the life in cyberspace.

Learning the history of the internet is not very easy for me, especially since I do hate learning on the history of something, regardless whether it is a place, an event, or a thing. That is because I am always confuse with the dates and names.

But even though it is every hard for me to memorize or familiarize it, I still manage to do it. Every night, I read the history of the internet three times. After I read the history three times, I will sleep and do it again tomorrow night. Until I'm familiar with it.

Moving on, I will try to become more active, not limited, to this subject but also in other subjects. Since my performance during this quarter is not that satisfying. 

Disaster Resilience

Philippines suffers from various disasters every year. And we should note that every single disasters have a massive impact on the Philippine, be it in the economical, industrial and other aspects that affects the lives and the quality of the lives of our fellow countrymen.

One of the major reason why Philippines is still poor despite that we have a huge quantity of natural resources is disasters, whether it is human-induced disasters or natural disasters. Because every time a disaster strikes, the government will spend a large amount of money to help the people who suffered from the said disaster. And this happens every year. Specially since we are being visited by typhoons every year.

And so, we must prepare to face the expected and some unexpected disasters that will strikes. We must have survival kit and first aid kit. We must also know where is the evacuation center in our locality located. Other one, and most importantly, we must always be calm when facing a disaster. We should fix the problems in our house, for example, if the ceiling of our house have a hole, we must definitely fix it immediately before the rain comes.

By preparing, we can decrease the casualties and damages caused by a disaster. We can keep ourselves and our family members safely. And by preparing, we are also helping the government. Because we are safe and the damage caused by the disaster to us is not that great, the government only need to spend a small amount of money for us. And this will help the Philippines to escape or overcome poverty. Since we cannot afford to spend a lot of money because we already have a lot of debts from the other countries.

Available at:
Accessed: August 11, 2019

Achieve Longer Life Through Heathy Lifestyle

The age of the people who are dying is slowly decreasing. Nowadays, the average lifespan of human is 60 years old. When we compare it to the lifespan of the human in the era of Abraham, where people can normally live up to 200 years old, there is a huge decrease in our lifespan.

Every year at the month of July, we are celebrating the nutrition month. At this month, every school have an activities and programs that educates every students about the proper lifestyle. And by having a proper lifestyle, we can maximize the potential of our physical body, resulting for us to have a longer life.

This year, the theme of the Nutrition Month Celebration is kumain ng wasto at maging aktibo, push natin to. This theme teaches the public, specially us, the youth, to eat healthy foods. Eating junk foods is not beneficial to our health, it is detrimental because it have a lot of salt and other additives. Eating unhealthy foods and snacks can cause us some diseases. And it may lead or make us obese. Obese person may catch a diseases that can lead him to his death.

It also encourage us to do some physical activities such as exercise every morning and become active. Being active can make our body healthy. It is not advisable to have or practice sedentary life. Because sedentary life can also lead to some complicated diseases.

It is only through having an active life and enjoyable, and eating healthy food can we enjoy more healthy and longer life. And so, we must encourage the people to improve their lifestyle. Push natin ‘to!

Knowledge + Preparedness = Safety

The Philippines is located at a strategic position or location that is in favor for various disasters. The Philippines lays at the west part of the Pacific Ocean resulting for us to suffers from huge number of typhoons every year. Another disaster that can threaten us is earthquake. We are prone to it because we are in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which can locate a massive quantity of active volcanoes. The most terrifying characteristic of an earthquake is that it gives no signal before it will srikes.

The Government repeatedly encourage the public to be always ready for unexpected calamity such as earthquake. DepEd together with other department and agencies, trains the students in every school quarterly to practice the proper responds or actions when earthquake occurs. Specially since according to experts, Manila and nearby province will suffer from a strong earthquake, that is termed as “The Big One”.

And thus, they made us practiced the earthquake drill. They made the duck, cover, and hold printed in our mind because it will help us to preserve our life when facing the said disaster. They also emphasized that we need to protect our head more than the rest of our body. And also, they educated us to be calm and not to panic when the earthquake or other disasters happens because it is the basic and most important technique that we need to learn and master so that we can act more logical and rational even when facing a catastrophe.

In fact, it is not enough for us to be only knowledgeable about earthquake and earthquake drill, we also need to prepare for it, so that we can minimize the damage that the said disaster will inflict to us.


Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Letter To The President

                                           Ilocos Sur National High School
                                                                            June 13, 2019

Dear Mr. President Duterte,

Hello Mr. President, as a normal citizen of the country Philippines, I have some letter that is intended for you. And here it is. Although this is already an old topic but I still want to express my disappointment in regards with this topic – extrajudicial killing on those drug users and pushers. That war was so extreme. In my opinion, there was a loopholes in that war of drugs of yours. It caused some innocent to get killed just because the police got some news from some people that they discovered drugs in their house. There is a possibility that the drugs that are found in their house is planted. But of course, I also feel slightly delight from the fact that the drug pushers and users in our country is decreased. Yes, it is only slight because I feel that killing is so inhumane. I admire and support you in your campaign to defend the West Philippine Sea against those Chinese people. I gives my admiration to you because I know that China is very powerful. I really like your guts. I only hope that under your time of leadership as a President in our country, that there will be no wars because I think that wars are meaningless. Although the winner will gain some benefits but the price of it is countless amount of lives of our fellow countrymen.
                                                                       Sincerely Yours,
                                                                      Jayson Jaramillo

Attaining Freedom

All of us desires freedom. Specially the time when our ancestors resisted the forces and the influences of the foreigner, the Spaniards, to our country, the Philippines. They sacrificed their lives to avoid our country to be annex by them. They give their lives to our country, hoping that us, their future generation, to have a good life. And they succeeded. They risked and offered their in order for us to attained freedom.

In June 12, 1898, the flag of the Pilipino was first raised. It is symbolize that we have attained freedom, an independency. And this is the day that we are celebrating the Independence Day here in the Philippines. I think that the reason why we are celebrating the Independence Day is to commemorate and savor the events that was happened back then, when they, our Pilipino heroes, gave their blood, sweat, tears and their lives to our beloved country.

C.L. Illsley (2018).
Available at:
Accessed: 11 August 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I Am Me

My first name is Jayson. I am 15 years old. I am currently living at Cabaroan Laud, Vigan City. I have a height of an elementary student despite that I am a high school student.

I really do love reading stories, particularly webnovels. Because every time I read a story I can learn something from it. One example that I've gain from reading stories is that my mastery on English language have improve a bit. The genres that I really like are horror and thriller, and eastern fantasy. My favorite author's pen name is I Fix Air-Conditioner. And he is the author of My House Of Horrors.

I also love eating specially sweet foods. Inside the classroom, I am invisible, since I am not very active in the class. I do not raise my hand even though, sometimes, I know the answer. It might be because of my self-confidence is not high. To summarize it all, I am just your ordinary and average student. And lastly and more importantly, I am a person who values equality and loves God.

Gualtiero Boffi,