Thursday, December 26, 2019

Development And Unity Through Yin-Yang Relationship of Man And Woman

Image result for gender inequalityLaw of the Jungle – a law that is unwritten yet we subconsciously follow. For example, when we encounter someone who is inferior to us, the arrogance within us shows up. Some might even bully that person. But when we meet someone who is on the same level as ourselves, there is something that pushes us to befriend that person or compete with that person to see who is better. And in the eyes of those ancient people, the female is inferior to the male. Since time immemorial, women suffered from the effect of gender inequality. They were abused and hurt by men simply just because they are female. Those people believe that men are better than women since they can accomplish some works that cannot do by women like building houses, lifting heavy objects and farming. They also thought that women should just stay at home, take care of their children and can only use to increase the population of the community.

But everything can change in an instant since nothing is eternal. During the late 19th century, a spark had appeared when women fought against gender inequality, which sought to allow women to vote and hold elected office. And this battle against gender inequality still continues up to the present days considering that women still subjected to violence and inequality. We all noticed that women are primarily victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, so we can conclude that equality still not achieve. Only when this violence ceases to exist, we can accomplish our desired equality.

Gender equality does not only beneficial for women, but we can also benefit from it. By achieving gender equality, we are getting closer to our greatest desire which is peace. This is only one of the primarily effect of it, by obtaining this equality, we can further develop the economy of our country. It might also elevate the status of those needy people seeing that the female members of the family can now work. 

In order for us to achieve this equality, we must hold each other's hands and break the barrier that prevents us from achieving what we desire. We must also crumble our mindset about women as weak, inferior beings. Women are strong and they can stand at the same level as men. 

Image result for gender equalityOnly those who against this parity are weak. They do not want to lose their sense of supremacy over women. They are afraid that they can no longer control those people who’re they thought are inferior to them. They might forget that in the eyes of God, all of us are equal. Since all of us are equal in His eyes, what right do they have to deem women as inferior to men? Do they think that they are more powerful than Him?

Gender Equality Policy Guidelines
Walking towards success requires both men and women to support each other. Men cannot walk towards that destination if they do not have the strength and support from women, likewise for women. Within the strength of a man, there is the fragility and within the fragility of a woman, there is the strength. It shows that both genders complement each other just like Yin-Yang. One cannot survive without each other and must have the same level of standing as the other to forge a perfect path towards development and unity.


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