Thursday, December 26, 2019

Development And Unity Through Yin-Yang Relationship of Man And Woman

Image result for gender inequalityLaw of the Jungle – a law that is unwritten yet we subconsciously follow. For example, when we encounter someone who is inferior to us, the arrogance within us shows up. Some might even bully that person. But when we meet someone who is on the same level as ourselves, there is something that pushes us to befriend that person or compete with that person to see who is better. And in the eyes of those ancient people, the female is inferior to the male. Since time immemorial, women suffered from the effect of gender inequality. They were abused and hurt by men simply just because they are female. Those people believe that men are better than women since they can accomplish some works that cannot do by women like building houses, lifting heavy objects and farming. They also thought that women should just stay at home, take care of their children and can only use to increase the population of the community.

But everything can change in an instant since nothing is eternal. During the late 19th century, a spark had appeared when women fought against gender inequality, which sought to allow women to vote and hold elected office. And this battle against gender inequality still continues up to the present days considering that women still subjected to violence and inequality. We all noticed that women are primarily victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, so we can conclude that equality still not achieve. Only when this violence ceases to exist, we can accomplish our desired equality.

Gender equality does not only beneficial for women, but we can also benefit from it. By achieving gender equality, we are getting closer to our greatest desire which is peace. This is only one of the primarily effect of it, by obtaining this equality, we can further develop the economy of our country. It might also elevate the status of those needy people seeing that the female members of the family can now work. 

In order for us to achieve this equality, we must hold each other's hands and break the barrier that prevents us from achieving what we desire. We must also crumble our mindset about women as weak, inferior beings. Women are strong and they can stand at the same level as men. 

Image result for gender equalityOnly those who against this parity are weak. They do not want to lose their sense of supremacy over women. They are afraid that they can no longer control those people who’re they thought are inferior to them. They might forget that in the eyes of God, all of us are equal. Since all of us are equal in His eyes, what right do they have to deem women as inferior to men? Do they think that they are more powerful than Him?

Gender Equality Policy Guidelines
Walking towards success requires both men and women to support each other. Men cannot walk towards that destination if they do not have the strength and support from women, likewise for women. Within the strength of a man, there is the fragility and within the fragility of a woman, there is the strength. It shows that both genders complement each other just like Yin-Yang. One cannot survive without each other and must have the same level of standing as the other to forge a perfect path towards development and unity.


Monday, December 2, 2019

Environmental Awareness

Our Planet, Earth, is rapidly walking towards its destruction due to our negligence. The environment is rapidly changing, not changing for better but for worse. And all of these changes are caused by us. The forest that has a lot of trees before, it is now bald. The river that was clear is now dirty and full of plastics and wastes. Supposedly, our role is being the protector of nature but what we are doing is to destroy it.

Nowadays, the effect of Climate change on us is very alarming. Temperature is soaring at a high speed, which affects the yield of the crops and also causes some health problems, like heatstroke and dehydration. The melting of glaciers can cause small islands to sink. These effects are very threatening.

One of the major issues that we are currently facing is air pollution. Using a car can lead to air pollution. Not only cause by using a car but also burning fossil fuel that is used in making electricity and fuels. But even though we are already experiencing it, we can reduce the effect of it by using a bicycle or walk if the distance that we want to travel is short. Avoid burning leaves and other rubbish like plastics since it will release carbon dioxide and other elements into the atmosphere which can increase air pollution.

Environmental Awareness Month educates us on what really is happening in our world. It continuously reminds us that the world is hastily deteriorating. This, we must love and cherish what God has given to us, nature. We are the protector, not the destroyer of it. So we must play our role correctly. We must protect, improve, sustain, and pass the Earth to our future children perfectly.

Children: The Future of the Society

In the eyes of the community, children are just children. It means that children should follow what other people want them to do. Everything that they do must be according to their parent’s plan. They thought that children are just a robot which you can order around. But they have emotion and brain too. They should not just order them around and pressure them to do something.

Children's Month Celebration teaches us that children have a right. They must be seen as an individual part of the community, not just a puppet. The goals of this celebration is that Children must have a better quality and improved way of life. They should be well-nourished, have healthy lives and are active learners with good quality education. They must be safe and free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation and actively participating in decision-making processes affecting their lives according to their evolving capacities.

We must not dictate the children. Older people are just a guide for children. Because if they are forced to do something that they don’t want, there is a possibility that they will not excel, and might become a burden in the society. Let them choose what they want and guide them to become what they wanted. Please take note the line, “Kabataan and pag-asa ng bayan.” Children are the future of society. They will continue what past people not completed and they further improve it. So, guide them to become good and highly capable of doing something useful so that will become a pillar of the society.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Enhancing The Core Values Through Strong Family Relationship

We all know that family is the smallest or basic unit of society. But everything starts here. We all learned the fundamentals within the family, not in the school nor somewhere else. This is the place where we learned the existence of God and how to become faithful to Him. Being an environmentalist, patriotic, and humane is some other things that our family taught us.

This year’s Values Month Celebration's theme, “Pamilyang Pilipino Patatagin: Susi sa Paghubog ng Kabataang Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa” encourage us to strengthen the bond that we have with our family. Not only we can strengthen the bond that shred among the family, but by enhancing the thickness of our bond, the values that we learned will further be enhanced.

The family may be the basic unit of society but it is the most important among the other type of society. Thus, we must prevent it from getting destroy and must boost the relationship that we have with our family.

Language: Skeleton Of The World

Every improvement starts with the language. We all know one of the Bible's stories, Tower of Babel, where Noah's descendants tried to build a giant tower that would reach to heaven. But God interrupted the project, however, by causing the builders to begin speaking different languages. From this, we can tell that the language shared by one community is very crucial for developing.

But nowadays, a lot of native languages around the world are slowly vanishing. And this alarms the attention of UNESCO. This is why this year’s theme, “Indigenous Language Matter For Sustainable Development, Peace Building, and Reconciliation.” is launched.

This year’s theme is very important since it tries to polish our mastery over our own language. Please take note that language is not only needed for communication, it is also part of our culture. The language that we are using to speak right now is what we inherited from our ancestors. And what our ancestors want for us to do is to also pass this language to our future children, our successors.

Through the use of literature, Dr. Jose Rizal fought with the Spaniards. And this time, we can use this language that we are using to make friends with lots of people, making peace with our past enemy, and for developing our community. We can also use the language to connects to other people just like how our skeleton connects our body. Everything is possible through the use of language. Just don't lose it or else you will regret.